As much as we enjoy your Every story submitted is reviewed by #HalfTheStory and not all will be published.
Share your story on how solo travel as changed you life.
Post awesome content that aligns with TravSolo’s philosophy
Share your favorite content
Support others in the community and help share their message
Use inappropriate or offensive language or include information about specific medications
Do not post personal information such as phone numbers, addresses, or emails
Share information or images that could be triggering/harmful to other individuals in the community
READABILITY: All content/articles should be spelled checked and have short paragraphs over 3-5 sentences, with the proper use of titles, bold, italics, and links. Use proper intro paragraphs, and conclusions. In order to make it easy for our readers to follow your suggestions, please use the right links to ensure that your content will be published.
PHOTOGRAPHY: Please provide a minimum of 2-4 images that are sized under 400KB. All photos should be at least 800px wide. ONLY SUBMIT IMAGES THAT YOU HAVE RIGHTS TO.
To help you get start, here are a couple of questions to consider. Please answer at least five (5) of them:
What do you do for a living?
Solo Travel: What do these two words mean to you?
What inspired you to take your first solo trip?
Favorite International Dish?
What was the most memorable and/or let down experience you had while traveling?
What was the most memorable moment you had with a traveler or local?
What’s the biggest risk you have taken on a trip?
What inspires you to travel more alone?
What advice might you give people afraid of being on their own or thinking of taking their first solo trip?
What advice might you give women:
Thinking of taking their first solo trip?
What about those afraid of being on their own?
If you were writing a book about a personal travel story, what three words would you use for the title?